Daily Kabbalah Lessons
What is the Daily Kabbalah Lesson?
For thousands of years, Kabbalists have been studying on a daily basis for their and humanity’s spiritual progress. Continuing this tradition into today’s globally connected world, the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, studies daily from authentic Kabbalistic sources, with commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman.
The lessons are broadcast live on Kabbalah TV, from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, and are available for download at the Kabbalah Media Archive. Tens of thousands of archived lessons, as well as the live lessons, are offered free of charge.
Who is the Daily Kabbalah Lesson for?
Although the daily Kabbalah lesson is open for all, it is best suited to people who have had an introduction to the wisdom of Kabbalah (as studied at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute), and who have reached a decision that they would like to use the wisdom of Kabbalah as a means for spiritual progress.
If one is new to this wisdom, it is recommended that they first take an introductory course at the Learning Center (sign up here for a free course). There is a rule in the wisdom of Kabbalah stating “one’s soul will teach one,” which means that one will follow one’s desire to the place that feels right for that person.
Purpose of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson
Daily Kabbalah lessons, as well as all authentic Kabbalah studies, are intended to allow one, and all who desire, to reveal nature’s complete picture, achieve world peace, eternal life, and unbounded fulfillment, all while living in this world.
Progressing toward this goal, at the fastest rate possible, and with the highest consciousness of oneself and one’s surroundings in the process, is done through the consistent attraction of the Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif).
The strongest means available today for attracting the Surrounding Light on a daily basis is through the daily Kabbalah lessons. This is because, at the lesson, the three means needed for spiritual progress meet at the same place, and at the same time. These are:
1. Authentic Kabbalistic sources, written expressly with the intention of allowing a person to attract the Surrounding Light from them;
2. The teacher – an attained Kabbalist who has been through significant stages of the spiritual path and can guide students through it;
3. The group – a worldwide network of people who have awakened to the spiritual path, and who are studying simultaneously in different languages from different parts of the world (referred to as the World “Kli,” the worldwide “vessel” for attaining spirituality).
Thus, one who prepares oneself for the daily Kabbalah lesson with the intention of attracting the Surrounding Light, receives a unique illumination that progresses him- or her spiritually. Baal HaSulam writes about this in item 155 of his “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot“:
“Therefore we must ask, why then, did the Kabbalists obligate each person to study the wisdom of Kabbalah? Indeed, there is a great thing in it, worthy of being publicized: There is a wonderful, invaluable remedy to those who engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Although they do not understand what they are learning, through the yearning and the great desire to understand what they are learning, they awaken upon themselves the Lights that surround their souls.
This means that every person from Israel is guaranteed to finally attain all the wonderful attainments that the Creator had contemplated in the Thought of Creation to delight every creature. And one who has not been awarded in this life will be granted in the next life, etc., until one is awarded completing His Thought, which He had planned for him.
And while one has not attained perfection, the Lights that are destined to reach him are considered Surrounding Lights. That means that they stand ready for him, but are waiting for him to purify his vessels of reception, at which time these Lights will clothe the able vessels.
Hence, even when he does not have the vessels, when he engages in this wisdom, mentioning the names of the Lights and the vessels related to his soul, they immediately shine upon him to a certain extent. However, they shine for him without clothing the interior of his soul, for lack of able vessels to receive them. Yet, the illumination one receives time after time during the engagement draws upon him grace from Above, imparting him with abundance of sanctity and purity, which bring him much closer to achieving perfection.”
More About The Daily Kabbalah Lesson Here: More About The Daily Lesson
Daily Questionnaires
Join in the construction of a new Internet system that aims to develop the spiritual connections among people!
Every day, questionnaires are being created, based on the daily Kabbalah lessons (streamed live at 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT [U.S.], Saturday through Thursday).
The aim of the questionnaires is that a person can maintain and develop one’s self-scrutiny of the topics discussed in the lesson as a means of preparing oneself to the next lesson with a greater desire to attain spirituality.
Everyone participating in the daily Kabbalah lessons is highly recommended to fill out the daily questionairres at internet.kbb1.com
As well as the questionnaires, one can find other ways to participate in the construction of the new Internet system that aims to develop spiritual connections among people, such as writing and submitting your own questions and/or questionnaires that you create based on the Rabash article lesson each day, submitting your ideas for the development of the Internet system, and much more.